
  • Project Spotlight: Soldiers Packing Food Boxes
    We’re so grateful to the soldiers at Tzrifin IDF base who helped us pack food boxes to distribute in response to the pandemic.
  • Teaching Our Children to Seek Wisdom
    As Yael celebrates the sacred season of Passover with her family, we offer you this message excerpted from her new book.
  • Teaching God’s Deliverance
    This is a difficult time… so we hope this Passover celebration from our hearts to yours brings you joy and reminds you that God is faithful in delivering His people. Enjoy a peek into what it’s like to experience a Passover Seder in this video.
  • If You Had to Choose
    Medical care or a meal… which would you choose? A $25 Emergency Passover food box – or two or more – is a way for you to be God’s hands and feet, bringing tangible comfort to those who need it most. With just days until Passover begins and the need still so great, we must take action today.
  • Passing Faith Forward
    I take comfort in knowing everything taking place is by God’s design, even if I cannot understand the plan and purpose of it.
  • Stepping Out in Faith
    Right now, you have the opportunity to save a life. Your gift today will be used immediately to help provide an emergency Passover food box to a vulnerable elderly widow, Holocaust survivor, or needy family too weak or too poor to care for themselves. May God bless you in return.
  • Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Measures
    Thanks to our Fellowship family members who provide sacrificially to bless God’s people, The Fellowship is able to help poor Holocaust survivors and elderly Jews in both the ordinary and extraordinary moments. As the coronavirus pandemic sweeps around the world, isolating and threatening the most vulnerable populations, The Fellowship is on the ground providing lifesaving […]
  • Elana Still Needs You
    God is asking us to partner with Him during the coronavirus epidemic and “comfort ye, comfort ye, my people.” And for many impoverished Jews, holidays such as Passover is just another day of pain and going without…unless we compassionately reach out to them in time.
  • She Prayed Blessings Over Us
    If it were not for the compassionate care of Christians like you, who through The Fellowship provide food, warm clothes, and medicines, Simcha would not survive. Together with God, you and I become the "defender of widows," especially as Passover quickly approaches.
  • Life in Israel Under the Threat of Coronavirus
    The Fellowship's Yonit Rothchild is inspired by the kindness that surrounds her in Israel in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Our Response in a Time of Crisis
    This year, an additional Passover lesson is to care for ourselves and our loved ones, as well as the most vulnerable among us who have no one to care for them.
  • Project Spotlight: Helping Elderly & Holocaust Survivors with COVID-19
    Right now, The Fellowship is on the ground in Israel helping the most vulnerable during the coronavirus pandemic, which is sweeping across the globe just as the Jewish people prepare to celebrate Passover.

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