Be an Advocate for Israel

As a supporter of Israel and the Jewish people, you know standing for Israel right now takes a lot of courage. The spirit of anti-Semitism, often masquerading as “anti-Zionism,” is alive and more active than ever. Your actions and engagement can help fight back against anti-Semitism and harsh, unfair anti-Israel sentiment — to expose it and its lies — while also encouraging the Jewish people that they’re not fighting alone. Learn more about those ways to stand in solidarity.


Join us and keep Israel in prayer with confidence that “The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth” (Psalm 145:18).

Take the Pledge

Take the pledge today: I Stand With the Jewish People. Your name will be shared with the President of Israel and the Jewish people.

Host an Event

Host a Blessing Israel event at your church and participate in God’s promises and fulfill biblical prophecy.

Be In the Know

Read the latest stories about issues and events affecting Israel and the worldwide Jewish community.

Prayer at the Wall

Allow us to take your prayers to the Western Wall in Jerusalem, the holiest site in all of Judaism. Submit your prayers. 

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