
Collage of faces of famous Israelis against a red background.

The Righteous Gentiles

July 25, 2024
Take our quiz to find out how much you know about the Righteous Gentiles, the heroic men and women of the Holocaust.
Yael and daughter with candles on Shabbat

What Do You Know about the Sabbath?

July 9, 2024
God set aside one day of the week as a holy day of rest. This holy day, Shabbat or the Sabbath, is still observed by the Jewish people. Take this quiz to see how much you know about this biblically mandated Holy Day.
Israeli flag waving on top of the American flag.

U.S. Presidents and the Jews

June 27, 2024
Find out how much you know about the long history between our U.S. Presidents and the Jewish people. You may be surprised by the answers!
Black and white image of several soldiers walking towards the camera.

The Miraculous War of 1967

June 17, 2024
In 1967, Israel found herself in a war that her people did not think they could win. The results were nothing less than miraculous. Find out how much you know about this historic event.
Black and white drawing of a man with a harp, leading men carrying other instruments.

Who's a Man of Faith?

June 13, 2024
The Bible is filled with many heroes, but what are the characteristics that define a man of faith? Take our quiz to find out!
Hand holding gold grain pieces.

Test Your Knowledge on Shavuot

June 11, 2024
The Jewish holiday of Shavuot is actually significant to the Jewish people in two ways. Take our Shavuot quiz and see how much you know about this biblical Holy Day.
Black and white image of Anne Frank.

Celebrate the Legacy of Anne Frank

June 5, 2024
Anne Frank, born in Frankfurt, Germany, remains to this day one of the most well-known victims of the Holocaust. The story of her life in hiding, which she meticulously recorded in a series of diaries, has become one of the most well-read and beloved books in modern times. Discover how much you know about this courageous teen with our quiz.
Temple in Jerusalem with golden top against the rest of the city.

Test Your Knowledge on Jerusalem

May 29, 2024
Jerusalem is called the center of the world, holy city of God, the place where all things began and history is destined to end. Find out how much you know about this biblical and historical city with our quiz.
The Flag of Israel blowing in the wind next to the Flag of the United States

Test Your Knowledge on America's Special Bond with Israel

May 19, 2024
Discover how much you know about the longstanding relationship between the U.S. and her greatest ally -- Israel!
Israel Independence Day celebration with Israelis in the Old City.

Israel Independence Day

May 8, 2024
In 1948, Israel was officially declared a sovereign state by the U.N. Find out how much you know about this historic event.
Lit candles that make a star shape in front of a black background.

Test Your Knowledge on Yom HaShoah

April 30, 2024
On May 6th, Israel and Jews worldwide observe Yom HaShoah. What is the historical meaning behind this uniquely Jewish observance and how is it observed today? Test your knowledge with our quiz.
Aerial view of a Rabbi holding a book written in Jewish.

Test Your Knowledge of Passover

April 16, 2024
Passover is one of the most widely observed and celebrated holiday on the Jewish calendar. Find out how much you know about this ancient holy day by taking our quiz.