Stepping Out in Faith

The Fellowship  |  March 25, 2020

Coronavirus home delivery by Fellowship staff
Rubi Alfi-Nissan and Michael Seiler, IFCJ staff members, delivering IFCJ Emergency Response Package to elderly woman. Blue dress, black vest, blue and white headscarf

Right now, you have the opportunity to save a life. Your gift today will be used immediately to help provide an emergency Passover food box to a vulnerable elderly widow, Holocaust survivor, or needy family too weak or too poor to care for themselves.

NOTHING will stop The Fellowship from fulfilling the holy mission that God has called us to do. NOTHING has thwarted God’s will before and nothing will thwart it today.

Not war.

Not natural disaster.

And not the coronavirus.

While we are taking precautions to safeguard our volunteers and team members in Israel and around the world, we are still taking extraordinary measures during this extraordinary time.

We are on the ground NOW, not only providing 15,000 elderly widows and Holocaust survivors that we regularly bless with monthly food provisions but, in faith, we are adding 15,000 more desperate souls to our ministry care during the wake of this pandemic.

These elderly Jews are the “least of these” that Jesus spoke of – precious children of God too frail to leave their homes and too poor to afford food on their meager pensions.

We are stepping out in faith and packing these lifesaving emergency Passover food boxes, praying… pleading… that God will provide the remaining resources needed to provide all 15,000 additional elderly Jews with the basic necessities needed for survival in these uncertain days.

We are asking Fellowship friends like you to find it in your heart to partner with God and help provide an “above and beyond” emergency Passover food box that includes enough nutritious food to last the month and the Passover holiday, as well as hand sanitizer and disinfecting products.

God is again calling us to preserve His people in the midst of chaos. Please join us as we rise up like the prophet Isaiah and say in one voice, “Here am I. Send me!” (6:8).

May God bless you and Tihyu bri’im (“be well” in Hebrew).