Providing Security

The Fellowship serves as watchmen on the walls for God’s people — providing ongoing safety and emergency support for first responders, hospitals, synagogues, and citizens threatened by terror and war.

Maya, elderly Jewish woman from Ukraine, receiving care from The Fellowship during rocket attacks on Netivot, Israel, May 2023

Caring for Maya

The Fellowship  |  May 22, 2023
From escaping war in Ukraine to finding help during recent rocket attacks in Israel, Maya knows The Fellowship is there for her.
Vera, an elderly Holocaust survivor during rocket attacks receives visit from her

You Are Her Angels

The Fellowship  |  May 15, 2023
Even during times of terror, this 85-year-old Holocaust survivor knows that she is not alone, thanks to The Fellowship.
A red truck and four men working to build a bomb shelter near a soccer field.

Project Spotlight: Security for Israel’s South

The Fellowship  |  May 9, 2023
Fellowship security projects in the south—like mobile bomb shelters and fortified vehicles for first responders—protect the people of Israel.
Zhana, an elderly Jewish woman in war zone in Ukraine

All Alone in a Warzone

The Fellowship  |  March 22, 2023
When war came to her hometown in Ukraine, this elderly Holocaust survivor was left to fend for herself until The Fellowship found her.
Tatiana, elderly Jewish woman in Ukraine who receives emergency supplies from The Fellowship

‘There’s Almost Nothing Left…’

The Fellowship  |  March 13, 2023
Her home shattered by bombs, her cupboards bare of food, this elderly Jewish woman in Ukraine has come to rely on The Fellowship for survival.
Elderly Jewish couple receiving emergency supplies during war in Ukraine

After the War Began

The Fellowship  |  February 27, 2023
“Stalino,” says 85-year-old Michail. “That’s the name of the place where I was born. Later, after the war, it was renamed Donetsk.