Providing Security

The Fellowship serves as watchmen on the walls for God’s people — providing ongoing safety and emergency support for first responders, hospitals, synagogues, and citizens threatened by terror and war.

Two men praying at the Western Wall-14742834

Pray for Israel

The Fellowship  |  October 7, 2023
Please raise a chorus of prayer for Israel in her greatest hour of need.
Yael Eckstein holds hand of Yuliana, an elderly Holocaust survivor from Ukraine

By God's Grace

The Fellowship  |  October 2, 2023
Through God's love and grace—which through friends like you provides emergency supplies—Holocaust survivors like Yuliana receive lifesaving help.
Lydia, an elderly Jewish woman in southern Israel, receives a holiday food box from The Fellowship

A Special Holiday

The Fellowship  |  September 26, 2023
This elderly Jewish woman has never asked for help during a life of hardship, but you have become her helping hand these High Holy Days.
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews logo

Project Spotlight: Fellowship IDF Vehicles

The Fellowship  |  August 22, 2023
A Fellowship IDF Vehicle recently distributed food and drinks to IDF soldiers stationed near the Gaza Strip.
Hana, elderly Holocaust survivor from Crimea living in Israel, protected by The Fellowship

Protected by The Fellowship

The Fellowship  |  June 20, 2023
Having survived the Holocaust and then life under Soviet rule, Hana at last feels protected and cared for in her biblical homeland, Israel.
security vehicle

The Fellowship Donates Security Vehicle to Town Near Gaza

The Fellowship  |  May 30, 2023
The Fellowship continues to help protect Israel by donating an additional security vehicle for Israeli security officers in the south.