The vision of the Outreach Department is to cultivate meaningful relationships with churches and ministry leaders across the U.S., provide opportunities to connect with, engage, and inspire pastors and ministry leaders, help them reconnect with the Jewish roots of their faith, develop a spiritual love for Israel, and build bridges of understanding and collaboration.
Flags of Fellowship
Flags of Fellowship is an annual event where thousands of Christians take a bold stand and show solidarity with the Jewish people. On October 5, 2025 churches, synagogues, schools, and Christian leaders will unite in faith and support for Israel by publicly displaying 1,200 Israeli flags to represent the 1,200 victims from Oct 7 2023.
Take the Pledge
Please sign our pledge today to let the Jewish people know they are not alone, but have Christian friends who stand with them in word, prayer, and action.
Blessing Israel
When you host a Blessing Israel Sunday at your church, you are participating in God’s timeless promises and fulfilling biblical prophecy. Blessing Israel will take your church members on a journey of faith to help them understand their Jewish roots, experience God’s loving heart for His people, and provide a practical opportunity to support the physical needs of our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land.
Prayer at the Wall
Each year, we take the prayers of our faithful supporters to the Western Wall in Jerusalem, the holiest site in all of Judaism. It is one of our most important traditions. We love praying for you, our treasured Fellowship friends, and feel privileged to remember you before our sovereign God at this sacred site.
Contact Us
We’d love to hear from you! Reach out to us to learn more about our ministry, and how you can get your church involved in our sacred work of blessing Israel and her people.