Keeping Israel’s Firefighters Protected

The Fellowship  |  October 21, 2023

Flak jacket, flak jackets, firefighters
(Photo: JINIPIX-JINI Photo Agency Ltd/Yariv Weinberg)

As we all join in prayers of support for Israel in her time of greatest need, we especially acknowledge all the brave firefighters and first responders in Israel who are rescuing God’s people in war-torn areas of Israel.

These brave men and women truly display servants’ hearts and a stance for God’s people. During these dark times, we are all the more committed to providing them with the equipment they need to stay protected, as we thank them for protecting the people of Israel. After all we know, “he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep” (Psalm 121:4). This is why The Fellowship is on the ground delivering much-needed flak jackets for these heroes.