
  • Despite Strict Airport Closure, Aliyah to Israel Persists
    Fellowship Freedom Flights carrying 150 olim (immigrants) from Ukraine arrived in Israel despite the nation’s closure of its airports and land borders.
  • Shlomo Hillel – Olim, Aliyah Hero, Speaker of the Knesset
    An olim (immigrant) to Israel himself, Shlomo Hillel passed away at age 97 after serving as the Speaker of the Knesset and saving 120,000 members of Iraq's Jewish community through aliyah.
  • Faces of The Fellowship: Pekado and Katama Make Aliyah from Ethiopia
    Imagine trying to raise six children in a room that’s only nine feet by nine feet. This was Pekado and Katama’s challenge in Ethiopia.
  • Making Aliyah
    We help fulfill biblical prophecy by bringing the Jewish people home “from the four quarters of the earth” (Isaiah 11:12) through aliyah (immigration to Israel), and provide them with klitah (resettlement) assistance when they arrive, giving them the tools they need to be full, productive citizens in their new home.
  • Project Spotlight: French Olim Make Aliyah With The Fellowship
    The Fellowship continues to bring new olim (immigrants) home to Israel. This time from France!
  • Recha Freier: The Mother of Youth Aliyah
    Recha Freier founded the Youth Aliyah organization, and in the process saved thousands of young European Jews during the Holocaust by helping them immigrate to the Holy Land.
  • The Prophetic Work of Aliyah
    All of us working together through The Fellowship to bless Israel are part of something bigger than we could ever imagine, and truly blessed to be alive “for such a time as this.”
  • Project Spotlight: Empowering Jews to Make Aliyah
    “One thing is clear throughout this pandemic, and that is the fact that Jewish people around the world are flocking to Israel for the safety, security, and stability they know they can find here,” said Yael Eckstein.
  • No Better Way to Celebrate Aliyah Day
    Aliyah Day is a celebratory holiday in Israel honoring the ingathering of God’s people. We can think of no better way to celebrate than by providing prophetic rescue for Jews in desperate need. Join in this prophetic celebration with your gift today.
  • Aliyah — Israel’s Hope and Future
    For Jews coping with the reality of rising anti-Semitism, the opportunity to make new lives in the Holy Land — through the support of friends like you — fulfills God’s promise “to prosper and not to harm you.”
  • Celebrating Aliyah Day
    On today’s program, Fellowship President and CEO Yael Eckstein shares her gratitude for experiencing Aliyah (ah-lee-YAH’) in her own life, along with the lives of her husband and children.
  • 6 Reasons for Aliyah
    Here are six major reasons why The Fellowship and our faithful friends continue to bring Jewish people home to Israel.

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