No Better Way to Celebrate Aliyah Day
The Fellowship | November 6, 2019
We welcomed new olim (immigrants) to Israel aboard Fellowship Freedom Flights recently. As each new Israeli walked down the airplane steps and set foot on the holy ground promised to them, we thanked God for IFCJ friends like you.
We thank God that you understand the urgency to rescue Jews from persecution and rising anti-Semitism. In many countries — especially in Arab lands — Jews have to hide their identities, fearing for their lives…and their children’s’ lives.
We thank God that you understand the insurmountable challenges that living in a country experiencing political, economic, or social upheaval can cause. In places like war-torn Ukraine, Jews have no stability, protection, or economic future. They could never afford a plane ticket to escape, let alone what it takes to land on their feet in a new country.
We thank God that you don’t just hear the Word of God but put your prayers to action by taking part in His prophetic call to “gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth” (Isaiah 11:12 KJV).
We continue to receive more desperate calls from the field from countries like Ukraine, France, Belarus, and others too dangerous to speak of.
Several emergency Freedom Flights are being planned this very minute and we desperately need every friend of Israel to pitch in to help make them all possible — friends like you.
Precious Jewish lives are hanging in the balance — packing the few belongings they have and praying from deep within their souls that someone will make it possible for them to make it to their Promised Land…where they can be free, and where they have a future.
Whatever you can spare will immediately be put to work to help rescue a desperate Jewish person.
Every sacrificial gift is holy in the eyes of God (and to our ministry) as you live out His command to “give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart.” In return, He promises to “bless you in all your work and everything you put your hand to” (Deuteronomy 15:10).
Please don’t wait — we need to bring them home.
Aliyah Day is a celebratory holiday in Israel in early November honoring the ingathering of God’s people. We can think of no better way to celebrate this day than by providing prophetic rescue for Jews in desperate need. Join all of Israel in this prophetic celebration with your gift today.