
  • What Are the Five Aliyahs?
    While there has always been a Jewish presence in the Holy Land, Jews began making aliyah, immigration to Israel, in 1882. In this podcast from Holy Land Moments, Rabbi Yechiel...
  • What Is Aliyah?
    On this podcast from Holy Land Moments, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein explains the meaning of aliyah as it refers to the immigration of Jews to Israel from the four corners of the...
  • Aliyah Devotions
    Learn some of the spiritual lessons found in aliyah, immigrating to Israel, from Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein's biblical teachings.
  • Venezuelan Olim Can Make Aliyah
    Israel will allow olim (immigrants) from Venezuela to move to the Holy Land.
  • Project Spotlight: Aliyah Seminars
    Fellowship Freedom Flights have helped thousands of Jewish people make aliyah(immigrate to Israel) in recent years. While the flight to the Holy Land is a big part of what we provide for these immigrants, it’s certainly not the only thing we provide. In order to help prepare new olim (immigrants) for the first stage of their new lives in Israel, and to guarantee their absorption will be ultimately successful, we host aliyah seminars, a series of informative lectures by experts in the field about their first steps in Israel, including job searching and navigating the health care and education system in Israel.
  • Celebrating Hanukkah – and Aliyah – at the Airport
    The Fellowship celebrated Hanukkah with new olim (immigrants) from Ukraine who just arrived in Israel on a Fellowship Freedom Flight! They lit a menorah in the airport to observe the special Jewish holiday and can't wait to continue celebrating all the Jewish holidays in the Holy Land!
  • Aliyah, Aliyah, Aliyah
    I once asked Ariel Sharon what the three most important things are that The Fellowship can do for Israel. His response was: "Aliyah, aliyah, aliyah." While we have been involved in bringing Jewish people home to Israel for more than 20 years, The Fellowship has opened a new chapter in our contribution to immigration and absorption in Israel, efforts which could not have been successful without you.
  • Aliyah Around the World
    Each of these six new olim (immigrants to Israel) is grateful for the care and compassion shown by The Fellowship's faithful friends.
  • Project Spotlight: Aliyah from Turkey
    The Fellowship is helping Jews from Turkey, where hostilities are rising, make aliyah to Israel
  • Aliyah Answer Keys
  • Fellowship Word Search – Aliyah
    See how many words you can find related to Aliyah.
  • Fellowship Crossword Puzzle – Aliyah
    Test your word searching skills with our crossword puzzle on Aliyah!

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