No One More Deserving

 |  October 14, 2019

fellowship friends help elderly jews like irina, elderly woman, blue sweater, red bracelet, hands together, partially covering face

Irina is a Holocaust survivor — facing life’s tragedies with a spirit that overcomes.

Born in the former Soviet Union (FSU) a month after the start of World War II, Irina still remembers the constant fear she felt — a feeling rooted deep in her heart after experiencing the deafening sounds of bombs dropping all around her.

Long after the war ended, Irina continued to face the same hatred that fueled the Holocaust, simply because of her Jewish faith. But this didn’t stop her from making the most of any opportunity that came her way.

Irina worked hard until retirement and then devoted her life to volunteering for those less fortunate than she was.

But now with her health deteriorating and the costs of basic essentials rising beyond her meager pension, Irina is forced to turn to us during her final years, even after years of looking after others.

Through the compassionate help of friends like you, The Fellowship works year-round to provide basic essentials like food, medicine, and shelter to the most vulnerable, like Irina, in Israel and around the world.

Irina’s very survival relies on you.

Not so long ago, the world turned its back on the Jewish people. That’s why it is so important to us that we provide consistent and ongoing care for Jews like Irina so that they never fear for their survival again.

Thank you for making a holy commitment to bless God’s people — there is no one more deserving of your compassionate care than Irina.