
  • What Is Shavuot — The Jewish Pentecost?
    Shavuot (pronounced sha-voo-OHT), which Christians know better from the Greek, Pentecost, is one of three pilgrimage festivals in which Jewish men during biblical times were obligated to go to the Temple in Jerusalem.
  • Shavuot – Pentecost
    (pronounced sha-voo-OHT), which Christians know better from the Greek, Pentecost, is one of three pilgrimage festivals in which Jewish men during biblical times were obligated to go to the Temple in Jerusalem.
  • Practicing Gratitude
    Yael explores the history and meaning of Shavuot, and what both Jews and Christians can learn from this holiday known as the “Festival of Harvest.”
  • A Place to Live Out Our Faith
    Our synagogues and churches are more than just buildings—they are the places where we live out our faith and values together.
  • What Is the Western Wall?
    Located in the heart of the Old City of Jerusalem, the Western Wall is one of the most sacred places on earth to millions of people of faith.
  • Generation to Generation: Teaching Our Children How to Be Grateful
    In podcast, Yael Eckstein explains the key is helping our children recognize all the blessings in their lives.
  • The Lesson of the Second Tithe
    The lesson of the Second Tithe is this: God wants to see us happy, and we honor Him not only by worshiping Him, but also by enjoying His blessings.
  • Celebrating Our Common Ground
    As the Jewish people celebrate Shavuot — also known as Pentecost — and God’s gift of His Word, Yael also thanks Him for the millions of Christians who both cherish the Bible and stand with the Jewish people.
  • What Is Aliyah?
    Aliyah means "immigrating to Israel," and is the bringing home of Jews to the Holy Land. Learn more about aliyah with our resource page.
  • What Are the Jewish Holidays?
    The Jewish year is marked by a series of holy observances and holidays. This article offers a brief overview of those holidays and their significance to the Jewish faith.
  • God’s Long Goodbye
    Another way to say it is that Shemini Atzeret, the Eighth Day, is God’s long goodbye so that He can delight in spending one more day with us!
  • What Is the Festival of Tabernacles – Sukkot?
    Following the somber introspection of the High Holy Days comes Sukkot, a joyous celebration of God's provision and providence for His children. Learn more about this "season of rejoicing" through our various resources.

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