Facts About Poverty
July 12, 2022
Poverty is a serious problem in Israel. A study found that about 2 million people in Israel, including more than a million children, live in poverty. Another showed that Israel has the highest rate of poverty among developed nations. And in the countries of the former Soviet Union (FSU), many people live in a level of poverty that it is difficult for us to imagine.
The Fellowship hears the cries of impoverished people and responds by filling their most fundamental needs, providing food, clothing, shelter, heating, and medicine, and home visits to fight the isolation of the lonely and homebound.
Who We Serve
Elderly and Holocaust survivors, impoverished families, children and youth in Israel and the former Soviet Union, as well as minorities in Israel
What We Provide
- Monthly food assistance in the form of prepared meals, food cards, or food packages for the elderly
- Medication, home visits, and emergency funds for basic needs
- Hot meals for thousands of people at more than 40 Fellowship-funded soup kitchens
- Heating vouchers for the elderly during winter
- Food cards and financial assistance to needy families at Passover and Rosh Hashanah
- Shelters for battered women
- Emergency call buttons for Holocaust survivors that immediately connect them with a support hotline providing medical services
- Purchase of vehicles for local municipalities to pick up elderly and take them to community centers and medical appointments
- Enrichment activities and services for elderly and youth
- Emergency fund providing appliances, clothing, and food to needy families in Israel
- Vouchers for clothing and school supplies for children
- Support for children’s homes