There’s More You Can Do for the Jewish People Than Just Remember

Yael Eckstein  |  April 27, 2022

Remembering Holocaust with view from gates of Kaufering, Dachau concentration camp

Writing at The Washington Times for Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day – Yael finds inspiration in those who have given their all to protect the Jewish people:

Each year, we declare “Never again!” But this year, with Holocaust survivors on the run yet again in Ukraine, I have a new appreciation for what it truly means to uphold that promise. In the past several weeks, I’ve greeted numerous Holocaust survivors —  some in their late 90’s — on the tarmac at Ben Gurion Airport in Israel. They have just watched their homes get shelled and entire neighborhoods get wiped out during the war in Ukraine and are now hoping for a safer, more prosperous life in their biblical homeland of Israel. 

As these Jews escape horror in Ukraine and make aliyah (immigrate to Israel), it’s providing the rest of the world with a way to live up to the promise that we would never forget what Holocaust victims have gone through, and to reaffirm that, moving forward, we will always be there to defend them. 

Rita Clements-Fleisner, a dear friend, once told me about her heroic father, LeRoy Clements, and his experiences during World War II. Clements was a strong, 6’2” golden gloves boxer, a medic, and a decorated war hero. As Rita explained, God had given him the strength for the task at hand, but nothing could have prepared him for what he saw towards the end of the war…

Read the rest of Yael’s message at The Washington Times.