No Greater Friend of Israel Than Pat Boone
Stand for Israel | July 6, 2021
For decades, Pat Boone has been a great friend to the music world, reaching millions through both his popular and gospel music. But for nearly as long, Pat has also been a friend of Israel, the Jewish people, and The Fellowship.
In a remembrance of Rabbi Eckstein after his sudden passing, Pat recalled his longtime friendship and support:
…after he founded the Fellowship of Christians and Jews, he approached me as a prominent Christian and supporter of Israel to appeal to evangelical Christians to fund the freeing and transporting of Jews living behind the Iron Curtain and other repressive repatriate in Israel. We went to television in repeated “specials” and Christians responded immediately, in incredible donations, happy to cooperate with God’s expressed intention to bring Jews to live in Homeland Israel from every country in the world!
And less than a year before his passing, Rabbi Eckstein welcomed Pat – the host of a tour of evangelical Christians from America, many of them longtime Fellowship supporters – at a special concert in the Holy City of Jerusalem, a concert celebrating 70 years of Israeli independence. There the Rabbi looked forward to:
…a group of Christians also arrived in the Holy Land for a historic pilgrimage hosted by The Fellowship and my good friend, Pat Boone. On this unforgettable trip, they will walk in the footsteps of our spiritual forefathers … offer prayers to God at the Western Wall … take in the breathtaking views from Masada … visit lifesaving Fellowship projects … and so much more.
This writer for Stand for Israel counted himself lucky to be part of that “historic pilgrimage,” including a chance to hear Pat Boone sing his glorious song “Jerusalem” high above the Dead Sea atop Masada. The tour’s highlight featured Rabbi Eckstein joining Pat onstage, in the video above.
Let us all thank God for Pat Boone, of whom Rabbi Eckstein said, “There’s no greater friend of Israel,” and let us all continue to be great friends of the Jewish people and of the Jewish state as we stand for Israel.