Meet the Christian Cowboys Defending Israel’s Heartland
Stand for Israel | November 19, 2023
Fifteen American Christian cowboys with their wide-brimmed hats, denim shirts, tight Wrangler jeans, leather belts with large buckles, and well-worn boots have come to Israel to protect the Jewish residents of the biblical heartland – Judea and Samaria.
“We want to live for Israel; that is our goal,” said 24-year-old Yosef Strain from Montanna, his voice carrying a subtle twang…
Charles Hutsler, 19, from Huntsville, Arkansas, said he was “not scared” about being in the country during a war because “God has my back.”
Ezekiel (“Zeek”) Strain, 20, Yosef Strain’s brother, said he believes in Israel in the promised land, specifically, the biblical heartland.