IDF Field Hospital in Ukraine Named for Golda Meir
Stand for Israel | March 16, 2022
When tragedy or disaster strikes around the world, Israel so often acts, as the prophet said, as “a light to the nations” (Isaiah 51:4), or as Rabbi Eckstein, of blessed memory, called Israel in what would sadly be his final message, “a country with a big heart.” The IDF is showing its big heart right now in Ukraine.
The Israeli military is bringing aid to those in war-torn Ukraine, reports Algemeiner’s Sharon Wrobel, with a field hospital named for Prime Minister Golda Meir:
The Israeli government on Monday approved the deployment of a $6.4 million field hospital in western Ukraine to provide aid and medical assistance to refugees.
The one-month humanitarian mission is named “Kochav Meir” (Shining Star) in honor of former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, who was born in Ukraine and became somewhat of a local hero since Russia’s invasion of the country…
“Israel is part of the world, and the world is going through difficult and tumultuous times,” said Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. “We are managing this complex crisis with sensitivity, responsibility and are making an effort to offer assistance however we can.”