Visit Tel Hazor and Korazim National Parks in Israel
The Fellowship | June 17, 2021
With summer upon us, hit the road and visit Tel Hazor and Korazim National Parks – with their beautiful vistas and interesting historical backgrounds in the open air.
This visit is also great when combined with a light afternoon hike or a water hike in one of the North’s streams; just make sure that if you’re going to be out all day, plan for indoor or shady activities in the hot midday hours.
Tel Hazor National Park, which is an official UNESCO World Heritage Site, is located in the Hula Valley near Kibbutz Ayelet Hashachar. For the history buffs among us, you will be excited to learn that the history of Hazor goes back many years and is full of intriguing facts. For example, Hazor is the largest and most important biblical-era site in all of Israel, a claim that is based on excavations conducted on the site in which a building dating back to the Canaanite period was uncovered.