Shabbat: A Day of Delight

“Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy, as the LORD your God has commanded you.” — Deuteronomy 5:12
Only one Jewish ritual is mentioned in the Ten Commandments: keeping the Sabbath. This alone attests to the importance of the Sabbath; however, it does not sufficiently convey the centrality the Sabbath holds in the Jewish tradition. The Sabbath is the focal point of the Jew’s week. Every Sunday is a countdown to Friday when the Sabbath begins at sundown. Candles are lit, families join around the table for a ritual meal, and communities come together in Bible study and prayer. It is the highlight of each week, and the cornerstone of our faith.
Join us in this month’s Limmud as we study the roots and meaning of the holy Sabbath. In a world where there are so many distractions causing us to forget what is important, it is imperative to learn about and cherish the one day a week set aside for rest and contemplation – a day we call Shabbat.
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