
  • Three Messages of the Trumpet
    The three ways of blowing the shofar symbolize the three messages of the trumpet that we are meant to understand on the days on which it is blown.
  • What Is Shavuot — The Jewish Pentecost?
    Shavuot (pronounced sha-voo-OHT), which Christians know better from the Greek, Pentecost, is one of three pilgrimage festivals in which Jewish men during biblical times were obligated to go to the Temple in Jerusalem.
  • Avoid Sending Mixed Messages
    We have a serious obligation to convey our biblical values clearly and consistently and avoid sending mixed messages.
  • The Uniqueness of Jewish History
    The uniqueness of Jewish history is part of God’s plan. By miraculously breaking the rules of history, the Jewish people reveal God’s special relationship to our destiny.
  • Pearl Harbor Memories from a Jewish-American Soldier
    As the U.S. and the world remember the 79th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack, a Jewish veteran remembers what it was like to be there.
  • Ukrainian Jewish Community Confronted by Anti-Semitism
    Anti-Semitic attacks toward the Jewish community of Uzhgorod in west Ukraine are being investigated by police, as community members found graffiti messages saying "Death to the Jews" on the walls of their Jewish charity center and synagogue. Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein is on the forefront of ensuring the community's safety.
  • 11 US Jewish Centers Targeted in Third Wave of Bomb Threats
    In the third set of bomb threats toward American Jewish Community Centers this month, eleven more institutions have received threats.
  • Rooted in Humility
    The Bible teaches us that the real secret to greatness is humility. The Jewish sages put it this way: “He who is small is actually great.”
  • Divine Service
    The Jewish sages taught that a healthy body and soul are critical for serving God and giving to others.
  • Faith in the Future
    The Jewish sages understood this verse as a demonstration of Miriam’s faith in the future. She “stood at a distance.” In other words, she took the long view.
  • God’s Investment Is Wisdom
    God’s investment is wisdom. The Jewish sages explain that God places in each and every human being a unique kind of wisdom — a talent or ability, a gift.
  • The Path to True Happiness
    The Jewish sages understand it this way: If you want to be happy, then worship the Lord. The path to true happiness is serving and worshipping God.

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