
  • Actions Speak Louder Than Words
    When we model virtues such as honesty, faith, kindness, and discipline, our actions speak much louder than millions of words and ensure that our faith will make the most important journey to our children and to the world.
  • Angels in the Bible
    Learn everything you need to know about angels in the Bible. Learn the types, their names, and how they are present in our lives today.
  • At the Right Time
    God answers our prayers in the right time—when we need it most. Never give up hope and never stop praying. God hears you and will answer your prayers for the very best.
  • A Laugh of Joy
    Abraham’s laughter was a laugh of joy. He was laughing at the unexpected, the surprise of it all.
  • Being Like God
    But in the spiritual realm, two entities become close when they are similar to one another. If we want to be close to God, we need to be like Him.
  • Our Days Are Numbered
    Clarity comes from knowing that our days are numbered and how limited our time on earth really is.
  • Every Test Is an Opportunity
    God only gives us tests that we are capable of passing, each one an opportunity to become the amazing person He knew we were all along
  • Find Our True Selves
    Rather, when we trade what is familiar to us for coming closer to God, we find our true selves.
  • ‘Hold Up the Sky’
    Too often, we spend our time and effort trying to “hold up the sky,” to control the things that aren’t in our control. Instead, we need to surrender to God and recognize that only He is in control.
  • Open Our Eyes to Suffering
    We need to open our eyes to the suffering of others and extend a helping hand. We are part of one family—God’s family.
  • The Power of One Person
    God wanted to teach us the power of one person. The entire world came from just one person.
  • Stand By the Word of God
    The only words that matter are God’s words. So, stand proud with Israel and stand by the Word of God.

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