Our Friends in Ukraine Need Us
Yael Eckstein | March 10, 2022
All of our hearts break as we see tragedy unfolding in Ukraine. Writing at The Washington Times, Yael talks of this heartbreak, but also of being inspired by how we have come together to help those in need:
When the invasion of Ukraine began, we all got to work. As head of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (the Fellowship), I have organized and led humanitarian aid distributions during war before. We have a proven protocol. My mantra as the calls began pouring in was simple: We are prepared for this. We know what to do. We are here to save lives and we will succeed.
Before the first day of war ended, we were already in our all too familiar “emergency mode.” Our team opened up communication channels with partners and staff in the war zone, along with leaders of fellow global humanitarian organizations mobilizing to help. We were receiving a report from the field every few hours. We were keeping up with the rising needs, delivering food to Jewish community centers where hundreds of community members found shelter, providing medicine to elderly who were running low, and evacuating those who were in distress.
Everything was under control. Until it wasn’t.
Read more as Yael talks about the situation in Ukraine and what we are doing to help.