The Blessing of Safe Passage

The Fellowship  |  July 11, 2016

Screenshot of Rabbi Eckstein standing alongside another man in front of a broken-down building.

Perhaps never before has there been a time when more Jewish lives need safe passage on a Freedom Flight from places of danger. Arab lands, Ukraine, Moldova, and other places around the world are becoming more dangerous as Jews are trapped midst war, oppression, and threats to their personal safety.

It is tragic that hundreds of thousands of God’s ancient people must worship in secret, too afraid of anti-Semitic attacks and terror to go to the synagogue.

These desperate souls need friends like you to make a safe passage to the Holy Land where they can worship freely without threats and mistreatment.

Without your help, it is almost impossible for these impoverished Jews to find peace and safety. Please take a minute to see how the vulnerable lives can be saved.

The need for Freedom Flights for those wanting to make aliyah is significant and we do not know when the opportunity will close – as nations are struggling amid war and conflict.

That is why we urge you today to give your most generous gift of love and compassion to The Fellowship to provide a path to safety. These historic and prophetic Freedom Flights provide precious Jewish families, children, and vulnerable elderly who have nowhere else to turn, a way to flee danger and fear in their cities.

Your gift will save Jewish lives and protect families who live in dangerous places around the world.