25 Years of Prophetic Rescue

The Fellowship  |  February 7, 2018

Two women embracing in a hug after making aliyah.

IFCJ has provided more than 25 years of prophetic rescue thanks to our Fellowship friends.

The Jewish people have been persecuted throughout history. And to this day, nations like Iran, as well as terrorist groups like ISIS and Hamas, are committed to erasing their identity.

But God’s prophetic promise to protect His people endures:

He will raise a banner for the nations
and gather the exiles of Israel;
he will assemble the scattered people of Judah
from the four quarters of the earth. (Isaiah 11:12)

Thanks to committed global partners and friends who care, The Fellowship has provided prophetic rescue for more than 750,000 Jewish people over the past 25 years through On Wings of Eagles Freedom Flights. Jewish people from the four corners of the earth have made aliyah, coming home to the land of Israel.

Together, let’s celebrate prophetic rescue and what God has done … and what He promises to do in the future!

You can be a part of God’s mighty work by joining The Fellowship to bring thousands more of His chosen people back Home. Fulfill His promises by supporting the next Freedom Flight … and the next … as we renew our commitments to this vital ministry of rescue and care.