Holocaust Remembrance Day

The Fellowship  |  January 24, 2019

We Remember We Act Beyond Holocaust Remembrance Day

It is not enough to remember the Holocaust on a day like International Holocaust Remembrance Day — which was most recently observed Sunday, January 27th, 2019.

On this day of sorrow, we look beyond remembrance and move to action.

Forty Holocaust survivors die every day.

That means in the time taken to read this, another Holocaust survivor has passed away—likely after years of despair and fear. No one should suffer and die alone.

Today, thousands of Holocaust survivors face constant hunger, abject poverty, and despair—fighting every day to survive. With nowhere else to turn, it is up to us, through The Fellowship, to step in and be the lifesaving blessing they so desperately need, not just on Holocaust Remembrance Day, but all year long.

Nearing the end of his life, King David cried out to God that “kichlot kochi,” or “when my strength is gone,” “al tashlicheni le’et zikna” – “do not cast me away” (Psalm 71:9).

Time is running out for these elderly Holocaust survivors. We must not abandon them!

You can join friends of Israel and The Fellowship with your best gift to help make their last days ones of joy and dignity without further suffering. Together we will provide even more Holocaust survivors with care, support, and love in these twilight years of their lives.

We pray the horrors of the Holocaust never be forgotten and may we remember, and act, on Holocaust Remembrance Day and beyond. May the sacrifice of the Jewish people never be overlooked. May the pain and agony of those dark days never be repeated.