Passover Hope for a Lonely Widow

The Fellowship  |  March 30, 2021

Ninel, a widow in Israel receiving a Passover food box

84-year-old Ninel lived a lonely life even before the coronavirus pandemic. Her small public-housing apartment lay empty. The widow could barely afford to buy groceries, so her stomach also lay empty. And then COVID protocols locked Ninel into this life. Alone, hungry, hopeless.

But then The Fellowship stepped in. Ninel qualifies for our With Dignity and Fellowship program, so she has begun receiving monthly help with groceries.

Now Fellowship volunteers visit, bringing both basic needs and much-needed companionship. A recent visitor was Yael Eckstein, who brought a Passover food box full of nutritious staples, as well as the items needed to celebrate this holy season.

And it’s all because of you – faithful Fellowship friends around the world – that this lonely widow has found hope, not only for Passover, but all year round.

This Passover, you can provide much-needed food – both the items to celebrate this holy season and everyday staples to nourish poor elderly in Israel like Ninel.