Hard Times for the High Holy Days

The Fellowship  |  September 9, 2021

High Holy Days food boxes provide hope during hard times

Like so many, Avraham’s age and deteriorating health make life harder than it once was. He has a hard time in the current environment finding work. “When there are so many young people unemployed I have no chance,” he says. “My health condition makes it even more difficult as I can’t do just anything.”

This only makes life harder for Avraham, who tells us, “I really want to work.”

Such difficulties are not only hard, but they make holidays especially difficult. Avraham feels the pain even more during the High Holy Days, especially as he tries to also care for his four children alone. “I would be happy not to need to ask for help,” he says.

But Avraham, like so many across the Holy Land, do need help, especially during the High Holy Days. And thanks to food boxes provided by faithful Fellowship friends like you, he tells us, “We’ll be able to make the holiday thanks to what I received.”

With The Fellowship, you can provide help – and hope – for needy Israelis and their families during the High Holy Days.