Being Alone Is the Most Difficult Part

The Fellowship  |  August 3, 2021

Magda, an elderly woman living alone in Israel
(Photo: Ancho Gosh)

Thirty years ago, Magda made aliyah (immigrated to Israel). She didn’t make the move alone, but with her husband, the childless couple realizing one of the dreams they’d long shared.

And for decades, this precious Jewish woman from Romania worked in the Holy Land as a caregiver, helping Israel’s elderly and disabled.

Magda always had something – caring for others. And she always had someone.

But five years ago, Magda’s husband passed away. But she still had those she took care of to keep her company.

Then, just last year, the elderly widow retired from her job caring for others, leaving her alone. Now all she had were a small pension and those she’d see at the Fellowship-supported soup kitchen where she ate her meals.

“Being alone is the most difficult part of my life,” Magda says. She’s thin, not having eaten much because the pandemic kept her inside, and because she simply can’t afford to buy much food in the first place.

But The Fellowship and our faithful friends know of Magda’s sad situation, and now she has “been receiving hot meals on a daily basis” and “food boxes for the holidays.”

She is especially excited for The Fellowship to visit during the upcoming High Holy Days, but for something more than just the nourishing food — the friendship this precious Jewish widow receives when Fellowship volunteers arrive at her home. “I’m so grateful for all the good that you do for me,” Magda says. “You are special people.”

With The Fellowship, you can be the special High Holy Days blessing for one of God’s neediest children by providing food, care, and friendship.