Wildfires Threaten Jerusalem

Stand for Israel  |  August 16, 2021

Wildfires in Israel, August 2021
(Photo: Eli Mandelbaum/IFCJ)

In years past, prayers from those who stand for Israel helped the people of the Holy Land when wildfires threatened. And aid from The Fellowship and our faithful friends around the world proved helpful, too.

Now, wildfires threaten the Holy City. The Times of Israel reports on houses being evacuated, roads being closed, and firefighting efforts underway south of Jerusalem:

A large wildfire outside Jerusalem that was thought to be largely under control began to spread again “at a very high speed” on Monday afternoon, officials said, with police evacuating local residents and closing local roads.

Multiple towns and villages near the Sataf forest area and along the Route 1 highway that connects Jerusalem and Tel Aviv were threatened by the resurgent blaze, officials said, as firefighters deployed along Jerusalem’s southern perimeter to establish a new defensive line against the spread of the fire toward the capital.

Jerusalem Police chief Yoram Halevy said Monday that police were preparing to evacuate Hadassah Hospital Ein Karem, the largest hospital in the country, which lies in the path of the blaze. Earlier, hospital officials denied media reports of an evacuation but said they were in close touch with police and rescue officials…

Please pray for the people of Israel, that God will protect them.