Israeli Killed in Ukraine
Stand for Israel | May 4, 2022
Our hearts break at the stories of death and destruction coming out of Ukraine, especially in heavily attacked areas like the city of Mariupol. Ynet News‘ Itamar Eichner tells us the sad story of an Israeli husband and father killed on his way to find safety for his family at a synagogue in Mariupol, Ukraine, as well as the rescue in Israel that friends of The Fellowship provided those who survived:
An Israeli national was killed by Russian shelling in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol, the Foreign Ministry confirmed Tuesday.
The man – identified as 49-year-old Sergei Boltinsky – was reportedly killed on March 24, while making his way to one of the besieged city’s synagogues in order to enquire on how to evacuate himself and his family from Mariupol…
Two days after his death, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews NGO aided Boltinsky’s 71-years-old mother Tamara and 16-years-old nephew Nikita to flee Mariupol, and make their way to Israel via a special rescue flight from Moldova.
His widow Natalia and their seven-year-old daughter Elizabetha, both of whom received special humanitarian visas, are also expected to arrive in Israel in the coming days…