In Amit Buskila’s Final Moments on October 7, She Recited Shema
Stand for Israel | May 21, 2024
When his niece Amit called him on the phone from the Nova music festival, Shimon Atias felt helpless, reports Ynet News. He remembers that even as the terrorists approached, Amit held onto faith, reciting the shema, a special Jewish prayer reminding us to love God with all our heart.
“We fought across borders and continents, went to rabbis and tzadikim, held protests, I turned the world upside down for her. That’s why she called me on her last call. And it ended sadly and painfully. It will take us years to process and accept. Tough years are ahead of us. And that’s it, Amit is gone, our world shattered. Just like that.”
Shimon recounted the last conversation with Amit, in which she informed him from the Nova music festival she was being fired at…
“In the conversation, I heard the terrorists approaching, and I heard her pray to God. She was truly a great righteous person. She recited Shema and then I heard more gunshots. I hoped it wasn’t gunshots aimed at her, but today it turns out I was wrong because Amit was murdered while I was on the line with her. I heard the gunshots and her last breaths. It’s difficult.”
Please pray that all the hostages still held in Gaza will be brought home soon. Pray for all the loved ones waiting for their kidnapped family and friends to return home. And pray for the peace of Jerusalem.