Golda Meir’s Matzah Ball Soup

Stand for Israel  |  March 25, 2021

David Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir share a meal, 1961
David Ben-Gurion and Golda Meir share a meal, 1961

On Friday, at sundown, Jewish people around the world begin the celebration of Passover, the biblical Festival of Unleavened Bread. Just as the Jews ate bread without yeast as they hurried to escape Egypt, Jews still eat matzah (unleavened bread) each Passover to remember God’s deliverance of His people. This Passover, we’d like to share a special matzah-related treat – the famous recipe for matzah ball soup of Israel’s first female prime minister, Golda Meir!

Boil the chicken with parsley, celery, cut-up carrots, peeled onion, salt, pepper, a pinch of paprika, until the chicken is tender.

If you like rice, you may add it after straining the soup, bringing to boil for another quarter of an hour.

The matzos (unleavened bread) are soaked in cold water until soft, then squeeze dry, crush with a fork and add fried onions and a little oil, some parsley, salt, pepper and two beaten eggs. Add enough matzo meal for binding. Make into small balls, set aside before serving for one hour. Half an hour before serving, drop the balls into the boiling soup and cook for about half an hour.

This Passover, we can not only celebrate God’s providence for His people – both historically and yet today – but His people like Golda Meir who helped bring about the modern Jewish state, Israel.