Gaza March Erupts in Violence – Abbas Blames Israel

The Fellowship  |  March 30, 2018

A young protestor waving a slingshot in the air in front of a fire with lots of black smoke.
Gaza March Erupts in Violence – Abbas Blames Israel

What Palestinian leaders were calling a “peaceful” march has led to violence, as thousands of marchers clash with IDF soldiers defending Israel’s border with Gaza:

Friday’s clashes marked the bloodiest day since the 2014 Gaza war, kicking off what Gaza’s Hamas rulers envision as a campaign of mass sit-ins along the border, meant to spotlight the demand of uprooted Palestinians and their descendants to return to what is now Israel.

On Friday evening, Gazan leaders called on protesters to retreat from the border area until Saturday, with the demonstration planned to extend six weeks, until the inauguration of the new US embassy in Jerusalem around May 14.

The army said it estimated some 30,000 demonstrators took part in the protests throughout Friday, with some Gazans throwing firebombs and rocks at troops and rolling burning tires toward soldiers.

As Passover begins, please pray for the safety of Israel and her people.