Torah Scroll that Survived the Holocaust Makes Aliyah

The Fellowship  |  May 18, 2022

Close up image of the torah scroll
Image by © Danilo Calilung/Corbis

A Torah scroll that survived the Holocaust will now be brought to Israel, reports the Jerusalem Post. This is a very important step forward in Holocaust remembrance and education, and very meaningful for the Holocaust survivors who will march with the scroll in a special ceremony before it makes its way to Israel:

The Beit Theresienstadt Museum embarks on a special journey to one Torah Scroll that survived the Holocaust in Czechoslovakia and was brought to Britain for safekeeping six decades ago. It will now return to the Theresienstadt Ghetto in the Czech Republic for a special march on 15 May 2022, marking 77 years to the Ghetto’s liberation. From there, in a festive ceremony on 20 May, it will be brought to Israel and installed at the Beit Theresienstadt Museum in Kibbutz Givat Haim, where it will become part of the museum’s educational program for Bar/Bat Mitzvah children.