Project Spotlight: Winter Warmth

The Fellowship  |  February 5, 2024

elderly, blanket, winter aid, winter warmth
(Photo: Mishel Amzaleg)

During our Winter Warmth efforts in Israel this year, our hope is to deliver aid to nearly 26,000 households in Israel (half families and half elderly). This will help them pay their heating bill, as well as provide them with a heating pad and/or blanket.

We visit elderly like:

Nusia, a 102-year-old Holocaust survivor in Israel who received a winter blanket and emergency lighting this winter. And she says, “The Fellowship’s assistance warms my heart, and now, thanks to the blanket you brought me, my body as well. I really appreciate everything you do. The Fellowship has been helping me for many years, and even now, when there is a war, you continue to help me. Thank you for the blanket and the emergency lighting. During this difficult winter, these are exactly the things I need. Thank you for your attention, for remembering me and coming to visit. Thank you.”

Mira, an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor in Israel whose home was hit by a missile on October 8, 2023, when war broke out with Hamas. As she waits to return home, The Fellowship ensured she had the assistance she needed this winter. And she says, “Now that winter has come, The Fellowship came to visit me and brought me a winter blanket, so I won’t be cold. This is exactly what I need right now, and I thank you very much for it. As a woman of faith, I am moved to hear that there are many Christians in the United States who care for me and help the elderly in Israel. Your visit and attention make me feel better and optimistic. Thank you for remembering me and continuing to help me.”