Project Spotlight: Aliyah to Israel

The Fellowship  |  July 20, 2021

Diana and Amir posed with their two children in the airport.
(Photo: IFCJ)

“I have always wished my own children would grow up in Israel. Now my dream is coming true.” That’s Diana, who just made aliyah (immigrated to Israel) from Uzbekistan with help from The Fellowship. Ever since her children – Roksana, 5, and Radmir, 4 – were born, she’s dreamed of making aliyah with her husband Amir. Now thanks to The Fellowship this dream is a reality.

Diana grew up in a city called Bukhara, which is one of the world’s oldest Jewish communities. It used to be home to a thriving Jewish community centuries ago. Today there are only about a few hundred Jewish people who remain in the town, but the 400-year-old synagogue is still in use, and the community celebrates the Jewish holidays and holds Saturday prayers every week.

And Diana hopes to grow in her connection to her faith now that she’s in the Holy Land. “I hope to learn more here in Israel and finally live the Jewish life as we always wanted. The help we got from The Fellowship was priceless,” she says.

Aliyah During a Pandemic

Even over the last year when it’s been difficult to travel during the coronavirus pandemic, people like Diana are still able to take Fellowship Freedom Flights. Our aliyah program never stopped bringing the Jewish people home to the Holy Land, and we have already brought home 2,329 people to Israel this year in 2021. Recently, flights came from France, Belarus, and Georgia.

Diana shared more with us about her decision to make aliyah during a global pandemic. “The situation in Bukhara was very difficult. Many people we knew were sick,” she explains. “Here, in Israel, we are much calmer now. We know Israel is one of the safest countries in the world in which to live during this pandemic. We are very happy we could make it here and be received in Israel with open arms.” The family stayed in a two week quarantine, following all precautions and guidelines to stay safe and healthy upon their arrival.

As a part of the aliyah program, all olim receive comprehensive assistance from The Fellowship, including special grants of $500 per adult and $300 per child. The Fellowship also sponsors their flights to Israel and ensures that they receive the klitah (resettlement) assistance that they need. Additionally, The Fellowship helps immigrant families with housing and employment, and continues to advise them as they become accustomed to life in Israel.

Diana says it best: “You helped us more than we could imagine, step by step. All the help we got from The Fellowship’s coordinator of aliyah was so touching. She really is like family now.”

Freedom Flights Boarding

Help a Jewish family start a new life in the Holy Land today!