Israelis Still Suffering Economic Fallout of Pandemic

The Fellowship  |  June 28, 2021

Israelis, Assisting in Fellowship

For too many Israelis, fruit, vegetables, and diary are becoming luxury items after more than a year of a devastating pandemic. New needs are coming up each day due to the continued suffering and economic fallout from the pandemic:

A new report by the [IFCJ] … reveals a reality in which families living in post-pandemic Israel cannot afford even the most basic of products.

The report also shows that over the past year, 62% of the entire Israeli public were buying fewer dairy products due to price; 72% stopped buying fruit; and 65% were buying fewer vegetables.

Ynet News also interviewed Director General of The Fellowship‘s Israel office, Michal Frank:

“Fruit, vegetables and dairy products are basic and essential commodities that have become a luxury for too many Israelis.”

Ynet News then tells the story of Tamara. This mom had to quarantine herself and her children seven times, and this eventually led to her losing her job:

 “The money I get from the state is not enough to support a household,” she says.

While the end of the pandemic looks very close, there are still vulnerable Israelis in need of support. These vulnerable children of God need you now more than ever. Learn how you can care for Israelis in crisis today.