Faces of The Fellowship: Oleksandr and Olena

The Fellowship  |  August 14, 2019

The Laskorunskyi Family smiling at the camera in IFCJ shirts.

Oleksandr and Olena poured their hearts and souls into building a small business they were passionate about in Odessa, Ukraine. Their store sold educational kits and toys to help kids learn and develop their skills. Olena has a background in working with young children between the ages of six months and three years and Oleksandr has a background in technology, so they were perfect business partners.

But then the war and resulting financial crisis hit Ukraine, and people weren’t buying as many toys for their children. The couple was forced to close down the business.

When this happened, they started imagining making aliyah (immigrating to Israel), and boarded a Fellowship Freedom Flight along with their 11-year-old daughter — and haven’t looked back.

Oleksandr developed a YouTube channel featuring animated educational videos for children. He is looking for employment in Israel where he can use such technological and educational skills. Olena will look for a job working with children, as that’s her background, too.

Their daughter Mariia is in the sixth grade, loves singing and painting, and is also excited for their new life in Israel.

Overall, the family is grateful for the help. Because of their past financial situation in Ukraine, they know they couldn’t have made aliyah without The Fellowship. “You provide care and attention to every new olim [immigrant]. Thank you!” says Olena.

For the first six months in Israel, they know they can rely on The Fellowship for the resources and financial support necessary to begin a new and successful life there.