9 Ways to Celebrate an Eco-Friendly Sukkot

The Fellowship  |  September 22, 2021

A lit sukkah with lights from the city behind it.
(Photo: Avishag Shaar-Yashuv)

The Jewish holiday of Sukkot started this week and Jews around the world will be building a sukkah, a temporary hut. Families will eat meals or even sleep in the sukkah. They do this to fulfill the biblical command to “dwell” in the sukkah for seven days.

Our friends at Israel21c share nine innovative ways to make a sukkah eco-friendly:

1. Use old sheets or discarded items for your Sukkah walls

The sukkah, or temporary dwelling, that gave the holiday its name is required to have a roof made of vegetation through which you can glimpse the stars. But when it comes to its walls, you can really go wild. We’d recommend opting for old bedsheets, discarded tablecloths or any other large swaths of fabric you have lying around instead of anything new or plasticky. Not only will these items flutter beautifully for social media, but also give your sukkah an appropriately relaxed, desert-y vibe.