8 Ways the Start-Up Nation Is Trying to Save the Bees

The Fellowship  |  September 9, 2021

Several jars of honey with gold tops
(Photo: Guy Yechiely)

The Jewish people just celebrated the holiday of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, where it is customary to dip an apple into honey to usher in a sweet new year! But, these days, the honeybees might be in trouble as the global bee population is dying.

Our friends at Israel21c share eight ways Israeli innovations are helping save the honeybees:

1. Beewise builds autonomous hives to save dwindling bees

Traditional beehives require beekeepers to dress up in full hazmat gear, light up a smoker before opening them and then manually feed and water the bees as well as collect the honey. This extensive manual labor means that commercial beekeepers get to each hive only once every few weeks, during which many bees are lost to disease, pests or other problems.

But no more – Israeli startup Beewise has developed an autonomous beehive called Beehome that can house up to 40 bee colonies, or 2 million bees, and take care of their health and upkeep using computer vision, AI and precision robotics…

Read the full list of Israeli innovations to help the bees here.