We’re Always on God’s Mind

Yael Eckstein  |  October 29, 2024

Mountains, trees, and an almost clear blue sky.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

Each week in synagogue, Jews read through the Torah from Genesis to Deuteronomy, and this week we begin again with the Torah portion Bereshit, which means “in the beginning,” from Genesis 1:1—6:8.

Jewish people around the world just began reading the Bible again with the story of Creation.

However, this story is not just about something that occurred many thousands of years ago. No, it’s about something that is happening today.

In fact, it’s happening right now. Every morning in the Jewish prayer service we say, “God renews the work of Creation every day, constantly.” Creation is always happening!

This means that when we wake up in the morning and look outside, what we see is brand new. That tree, no matter how many years old, was created again today. It’s not just there today because it was there yesterday. It’s there because God decided that it was necessary for the the world right now. If it wasn’t, it would cease to exist.

If that goes for trees, how much more so for people and for our lives? If we are alive today, it’s not just because we were born many decades ago. If you woke up this morning, it’s because God thinks you are exactly where you should be at this very moment.

What’s more, all of our life circumstances today—both good and bad—were created for us right now. Our blessings are given to us all over again, and for that, we should be grateful. But God also allowed the challenges we face today because they are for our best.

Always on God’s Mind

One way Jewish tradition describes the relationship between us and God is that we are God’s thoughts. What does that mean? Try picturing a green alien for a second. When you think of it, the extra-terrestrial exists even if just in our imagination. If we would stop thinking about that little green guy, he wouldn’t exist at all. It’s the same with us.

When God is thinking about us, we exist. If God forgot about us for even a second, we would no longer exist. We are always on God’s mind.

Sometimes we might worry God has forgotten about us. We might feel that God isn’t aware of our challenges or doesn’t know how we feel. But we are always on His mind—God cares, and He is constantly creating everything exactly as it should be.

Your Turn:

Listen to my new podcast, The Chosen People, to journey through God’s Word!