Jerusalem Is the Key to Blessings

Yael Eckstein  |  May 16, 2023

Old City in Jerusalem Israel

May the LORD bless you from Zion;
    may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all
    the days of your life.
May you live to see your children’s children—
    peace be on Israel. —
Psalm 128:5-6

This week, Israel celebrates Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day, commemorating the reunification of the city, ending 19 years of separation into East and West Jerusalem. This is one of five devotions looking at the spiritual and historical significance of God’s Holy City.

If you’ve been watching the headlines, you’re probably aware that 2023 has been a tough year so far in Israel. Our enemies have embarked on a new wave of terrorism, murdering children and destroying families in the Holy Land. While it’s been a painful time for the Jewish people, we are continually comforted and blessed by the constant outpouring of love and support from our Christian friends around the world.

For many people around the world, what happens in Israel is thousands of miles away and seems irrelevant to their lives. But for those of us who believe in the truth of the Bible, we know that what happens in Jerusalem is central to the well-being of all humanity. We see this message over and over throughout God’s Word.

Jerusalem Is the Key to Blessings

For example, Psalm 128 describes the blessings bestowed on all those who fear the Lord and walk in obedience to Him. But then look at how the psalm ends. We read, “May the LORD bless you from Zion; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life. May you live to see your children’s children—peace be on Israel.”

What does it mean to be blessed “from Zion?” What does Jerusalem have to do with the blessings of the righteous? Why would a righteous person, sitting in the middle of America with a great family and plenty of sustenance, need peace in Israel to be blessed by God?

But that’s exactly the point. We can’t hope for God’s blessings without also yearning for peace in His Holy City. Psalm 128 reminds us that Jerusalem is key to all our blessings. Until there is peace in Jerusalem, and subsequently the entire world, our blessings cannot be complete.

Humanity is like one body, and the sages compare Jerusalem to the heart. Only when there is peace in Jerusalem will there be peace throughout the world. And only when there is peace in the world will the truly righteous individual have peace.

Your Turn:

When asking for God’s blessings, pray for the peace and prosperity of Jerusalem. Tell God that you yearn for the peace of Jerusalem, and you will be “blessed from Zion.”