A Sign of Eternal Leadership

Yael Eckstein  |  May 2, 2023

Michele Bachmann and Yael helping an elderly woman

Once for all, I have sworn by my holiness
    and I will not lie to David—
that his line will continue forever
    and his throne endure before me like the sun;
it will be established forever like the moon,
    the faithful witness in the sky. —
Psalm 89:35-37

As The Fellowship celebrates our 40th Anniversary this month, I want to share some devotional thoughts on the biblical significance of the number 40. In Scripture, 40 can represent many things, such as a new beginning or transformation. Join me as we explore the various meanings of this milestone year.

Once a month, Jews have a custom to praise God for the moon. Does this seem strange? The meaning behind this practice is simple and profound. Just as the moon waxes and wanes over the course of a month, so, too, does the nation of Israel have its ups and downs. And just like the moon, each time the Jewish people seem like they are completely disappearing from the world stage, we rise again to prominence, a source of light to the world.

During the liturgy of the blessing of God for the moon, the Jewish sages instituted the following line which has become a popular song that all Jewish children are taught from the youngest age: David Melech Yisrael chai ve’kayam—“David King of Israel lives and is established.”

Now obviously King David died many centuries ago. He is no longer alive. But the meaning of this statement is simple—as long as the Jewish people continue to persevere in faith in our ultimate restoration and the coming of the messiah, the son of David, the reign of King David is still ongoing.

A Sign of Eternal Leadership

King David’s reign only lasted 40 years. But God saw fit to extend that reign for eternity. As we read in Psalms: “Once for all, I have sworn by my holiness and I will not lie to David that his line will continue forever and his throne endure before me like the sun; it will be established forever like the moon, the faithful witness in the sky.”

Like the 40 years of the leadership of Moses, which continues to teach and guide us to this very day, so, too, the 40-year reign of King David continues forever. This is no mere coincidence. Based on the examples of Moses and David, Jewish tradition teaches that 40 years of leadership is a sign of eternal leadership that will continue forever.

This year, as we celebrate 40 years of The Fellowship, it is our collective prayer that, like the reign of King David, these 40 years will set the stage for an impact that is felt for many years in the future.

Your Turn:

Join us as we celebrate 40 years of The Fellowship. Sow into The Fellowship and make an impact on generations to come!