Please, Pray For Israel.

Scene of terrorist rocket attack in Ashkelon, Israel, October 7, 2023

Israel is at war. There have been unimaginable atrocities committed against the Jewish people. More than a thousand Israelis murdered, thousands more injured, and communities decimated. In an effort to best support Israel and the Jewish people at this time, we have decided to put our Prayer at the Wall campaign and live prayer event on hold. Instead, we ask that you please show your support and love for Israel by submitting a prayer below, via our virtual prayer wall. Now, more than ever, we need to stand with Israel. And each and every one of your prayers will help Israel and the Jewish people.

Send A Prayer For Israel and Her People

Yael Eckstein holding prayers written to The Fellowship as she's at The Western Wall.

Send your prayers for Israel and the Jewish people during this unprecedented crisis through our new virtual prayer wall.

Support Israel and the Jewish People

A dad carrying his child while firefighters work to clean up the rocket aftermath in Israel.

Israel needs YOUR help now. Your gift today will save lives and provide emergency essentials to those in need.  

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