What We Receive When We Give

What We Receive When We Give - podcast graphic featuring Yael Eckstein and Mike Huckabee giving a food box to an elderly Jewish woman

We all know that giving to those in need is important… but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. When we’re short on time or money—or both—it’s can be hard to give away what little we have.

But on this podcast episode, host Yael Eckstein turns the concept of giving completely on its head. She explores verses in the Book of Exodus in which God commands the Israelites to contribute to His purposes. In this Bible passage, we’ll discover a hidden message in the original Hebrew that will change your perspective on giving—and your capacity to receive.

Listen to more of Yael’s Bible teachings on her new podcast, The Chosen People.

Episode Notes:

On today’s episode, Yael focuses on Exodus 25:1-2:

The LORD said to Moses, “Tell the people of Israel to bring me their sacred offerings. Accept the contributions from all whose hearts are moved to offer them.”

One of the hardest things to do is give up something we value—like our time or our money. But when we understand that we have so much more to gain then we could ever lose, we can see giving for what it truly is—an chance to receive God’s blessings.

There are five blessings we can gain when we give to others, including feeling joy, growing spiritually, and becoming a better person. If only we could keep this perspective all the time—we wouldn’t hesitate to give to anyone in need and we’d be grateful for the chance.

Let’s try to see giving as a privilege—and in turn receive more blessings than we could ever imagine. Listen now!