Aliyah—Fulfilling Biblical Prophecy

We are truly living in prophetic times as described in God’s Word, aren’t we? It began with the Book of Exodus, when God redeemed Israel from Egypt and promised to bring them home on “eagles’ wings.”

On today’s episode, host Yael Eckstein will explore how the Bible prophesied about the times we are in right now—and what this means for us in our personal and spiritual lives. As people of faith, we are called to be God’s partner in fulfilling biblical prophecy today, making this point in history such an exciting time to be alive!

Listen now, as the people of Israel prepare to celebrate Aliyah Day—and then learn more about aliyah, the prophetic work of bringing God’s people home to Israel.

Episode Notes:

On today’s podcast about aliyah—the biblical ingathering of God’s children to Israel—Yael focuses specifically on Exodus 19:4-6:

“‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.”

As Yael explains, this Bible passage can be understood as a description of the Israelites’ redemption from Egypt, but it can also be seen as a prophecy about Israel’s future.

According to Jewish tradition, everything that happened in the first redemption—the redemption from Egypt—hints at what will happen in the final redemption. So, just as God rescued Israel on eagles’ wings then, He will rescue Israel on eagles’ wings in the future. And it’s already happening now! As Yael explains, every day, Jews from the four corners of the earth are being brought back to their biblical homeland through the modern-day miracle of flight!

To think that during our lifetime we are witnessing the fulfillment of prophecies that were written in the Bible thousands of years ago is truly amazing! And here at The Fellowship, we are blessed to witness biblical prophecy come to fruition each time a Fellowship aliyah flight brings Jews home to Israel.

This week, Yael challenges us to consider how we can be a part of the miraculous times that we live in. Prophecy is coming to fruition, and we are lucky not only to see that, but also to be a part of it!