Gov. Mike Huckabee

“I’m so grateful that I’ve been able to do something that most of the people who give to The Fellowship are never able to do. I can have the privilege of seeing firsthand what their contributions accomplished. And when you hosted me in Israel and we went around the country and we went to a number of sites to see food kitchens where food was being served in hot meals, where distribution was being done. We went into the homes of people who could not even leave their beds because they were in an upstairs apartment and had been there for seven years. And if not for The Fellowship, it’s not just that they wouldn’t have adequate food, but they wouldn’t have someone to come in and love them, smile at them, and hug them. I just don’t think people can fully appreciate the extraordinary things that their contributions are doing through The Fellowship. So as someone who has had the privilege of walking the land of the Bible with you, I can tell people I’ve seen the work of God’s word in person through the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.”
“I strongly believe that supporting Israel is one of the most meaningful things a believer can do. This is why I’m partnering with Israel’s most impactful relief organization, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.”