The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Marks Six Months of Israel-Hamas War by Bolstering Security-Related Projects

April 7, 2024

JERUSALEM (April 7, 2024) — Six months after the horrific attacks on Israel on October 7, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) today announced details on its latest security-focused aid projects in support of the Israel-Hamas War.

The Fellowship, which is the world’s largest provider of humanitarian aid in Israel, provided more than $19 million in emergency aid to hundreds of thousands of Israelis in the first three months of the war, and focused its efforts initially on evacuees, first responders, elderly families and new olim (immigrants), who were most affected by the crisis.

“During unprecedented challenges, we often find unprecedented generosity and solidarity,” said Yael Eckstein, President and CEO of The Fellowship, “Our donors have shown they support Israel and feel true friendship for Jewish people around the world. Every food box that gets delivered into the hands of our beneficiaries came from the hearts of their Christian friends far away.”

As tensions rise in northern Israel, and as part of its $125 million commitment to security-focused projects in 2024, the Fellowship’s latest efforts to bolster civilian defense efforts include:

  • Placing 123 bomb shelters at every bus stop in northern Israel within 9km of the border. This $1.5 million initiative will protect 42 at-risk communities facing continual rocket attacks.
  • $5M of Passover food aid for poor populations from the northern and southern borders, evacuees, and victims of the Nova festival, in addition to the approximately 12,350 meals, 8,070 food boxes, and 4,900 food cards provided to-date.
  • 23 emergency vehicles for United Hatzalah, as well as 9 bulletproof ambulances through Magen David Adom—5 of which were delivered March 27. These lifesaving vehicles protect village officials and citizens needing to travel for administrative or medical purposes.
  • Dedicating a fortified pediatric dialysis unit at Schneider Children’s Hospital on April 2.

“We have seen countless stories over the past six months of courage and compassion both inside Israel as we unite for our survival, and outside Israel, from our Christian friends around the globe,” Eckstein said. “There is still so much work to do, but we are continually inspired by those who donate to The Fellowship and give care to those who need it.”

Overall in 2023, The Fellowship helped more than 2 million people by providing basic needs and support to more than 1 million, provided security to 1 million people worldwide, and helped more than 4,000 Jews make aliyah (immigrate to Israel) from 35 countries worldwide.

To pray for the people of Israel during these unprecedented times, submit a prayer request at To learn more about The Fellowship and its work, visit

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