Fellowship President Yael Eckstein on today’s terrorist attacks throughout Israel: ‘Pray for a swift end to the unrest that has torn apart Jerusalem, God’s Holy City’
May 10, 2021
JERUSALEM — After a day of violence in Israel and repeated acts of terrorism against the Jewish people, Yael Eckstein, President and CEO of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, issues the following urgent call to prayer:
“It’s time to pray as Israel is being targeted by terrorists in order to foment violence and unrest in the Holy City of Jerusalem. Now more than ever, Israel needs her friends to lift their voices in prayer. Pray for protection for Israelis threatened by rocket fire. Pray for a swift end to the unrest that has torn apart Jerusalem, God’s Holy City. Pray for the safety of the brave Israel Defense Forces soldiers, police, and first responders who are serving their country on the front lines. Please, join us in prayer.”